Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics Volume 70, Quarter 1, 2022

ประมงขององค์การสะพานปลา พ . ศ . 2564 - 2565 Fishing Ports of The Fish Marketing Organization : 2021 - 2022 ไตรมาสที่ 1/2565 มกราคม กุมภาพันธ์ มีนาคม Quarter 1 /2022 January Febuary March Quantity ( ตัน Ton) 53,972.0 17,716.7 17,393.4 18,861.9 53,865.5 17,676.2 17,361.5 18,827.8 Auctioned 52,577.4 17,183.6 17,003.7 18,390.1 Fresh marine fish 2,014.6 873.0 545.4 596.2 Indo-Pacific mackerel 2,817.0 823.8 876.6 1,116.5 Round scads 467.4 140.7 90.1 236.5 Indian mackerel 2,573.3 896.4 880.2 796.7 Squid and cuttlefish 32,480.2 10,111.2 10,001.4 12,367.7 Other food fish 10,694.2 3,923.5 4,048.4 2,722.3 Trash fish 869.2 261.1 315.2 292.9 Shrimp 95.4 12.8 29.7 52.9 Lobster 496.1 115.8 199.1 181.2 Sea crabs 70.1 25.3 17.7 27.1 Molluscs 1,288.1 492.6 357.8 437.7 Fresh water fish 106.5 40.5 31.9 34.1 Not auctioned 17.6 10.2 7.4 - Fresh marine fish 88.9 30.3 24.5 34.1 Fresh water fish Value ( พันบาท Thousand Baht) 2,709,614.2 884,814.2 838,894.4 985,905.5 Total 2,704,802.0 882,878.5 837,365.7 984,557.8 Auctioned 2,626,758.8 852,187.5 813,984.7 960,586.6 Fresh marine fish 118,201.5 49,200.1 33,016.6 35,984.8 Indo-Pacific mackerel 107,052.4 31,631.2 33,217.1 42,204.1 Round scads 30,378.7 9,147.3 5,858.5 15,373.0 Indian mackerel 335,924.6 133,848.9 103,435.3 98,640.3 Squid and cuttlefish 1,784,887.0 538,307.5 552,321.5 694,258.0 Other foodfish 66,151.4 23,376.8 24,825.1 17,949.5 Trash fish 116,507.3 42,669.8 40,813.8 33,023.7 Shrimp 4,727.1 688.5 1,785.1 2,253.5 Lobster 59,120.1 22,128.9 17,780.2 19,211.0 Sea crabs 3,808.7 1,188.5 931.7 1,688.5 Molluscs 78,043.2 30,691.0 23,381.0 23,971.2 Fresh water fish 4,812.2 1,935.8 1,528.7 1,347.7 Not auctioned 1,423.5 861.0 562.5 - Fresh marine fish 3,388.7 1,074.8 966.2 1,347.7 Fresh water fish Source: The Fish Marketing Organization, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Total Species 73 Agriculture and Fishery Statistics