Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics Volum 60, Quarter 2, 2012

Contents Page Preface v List of Statistical Tables xi List of Figures xv Symbols, Abbreviations and Acronyms xvii Regional Specified xxi T bl 1 1 P l ti d b l b f t t d 3 List of Statistical Tables Chapter 1 Labour Statistics a e . opu a on 15 years an over y a our orce s a us, sex an area : 2011 - 2012................... Table 1.2 Employed persons aged 15 years and over by occupation and area : 2011 - 2012................. 6 Table 1.3 E mployed persons aged 15 years and over by industry and area : 2011 - 2012........................ 8 Table 1.4 Employed persons aged 15 years and over by work status and area : 2011 - 2012................ 10 Table 1.5 Employed persons aged 15 years and over by level of educational attainment and area : 2011 - 2012.................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Table 1.6 U nemployed persons aged 15 years and over by level of educational attainment and area : 2011 - 2012............................................................................................................................................. 13 Table 1.7 U nemployment rates by age group, sex and area : 2011 - 2012........................................................ 15 Table 1.8 T hai workers working abroad by type of supply and country : 2010 - 2011................................ 17 Table 2.1 Population and houses from registration record by region and province : 2011……………………… 21 Table 2.2 Population from registration record by age group and sex : 2010 - 2011…………………………………… 25 T bl 2 3 P l ti f i t ti d i B k k b kh t d 26 Chapter 2 Population Statistics a e . opu a on rom reg s ra on recor n ang o y e an sex : 2011……………………………………… Table 2.4 A rrivals by nationality : 2011 - 2012.................................................................................................................. 28 Table 2.5 D epartures by nationality : 2011 - 2012.......................................................................................................... 29