Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics Volum 69, Quarter 2, 2021

ตามศาล และฐานฟ้อง พ.ศ. 2563 Courts and Nature of Suit : 2020 9,167 8,328 1,740 1,523 1,724 1,758 Total 5,263 5,122 1,115 1,022 1,151 1,056 The offences provided by the Penal Code 106 98 25 18 27 26 Against officials 213 205 27 41 34 37 Against the judical officials 488 453 74 49 114 56 Relating to documents 239 225 84 98 91 104 Rape and indecent act Murder 450 362 203 172 175 186 Section 288-290,292-294 Section 2 8-2 , 29 166 146 20 18 16 25 Against life (except murder) 339 340 59 54 46 54 Against bodily harm 134 118 12 15 18 16 Defamation 961 918 137 121 184 106 Theft, snatching 53 42 17 13 9 13 Robbery 21 29 21 13 19 10 Gang - robbery 442 329 58 67 69 63 Cheating and fraud 255 209 33 33 28 28 Misappropriation 140 467 12 22 33 19 Receiving stolen property 93 91 32 18 26 23 Mischief 180 158 30 26 24 30 Trespass 983 932 271 244 238 260 Others The commission of offences 3,904 3,206 625 501 573 702 under others laws Narcotics Act - 1 5 1 - 3 - Heroin 3 7 163 124 170 219 - Methamphetamine - - 9 4 2 3 - Marijuana/marihuana 3 - 1 - - - - Other narcotics 242 188 7 3 2 2 Gambling Act Firearms, Ammunition, Explosive Articles 587 664 186 155 151 162 and Fireworks Act and Fireworks Act Automobile Act, Vehicles Act and 140 111 14 6 4 9 Land Transportation Act 105 89 5 5 7 7 Immigration Act Act on the Offences Relation 244 209 22 25 29 25 to the Use of Cheque 2,580 1,937 213 178 208 272 Others Note: Including the number of cases and charge. Source: Office of the Judiciary, Ministry of Justice ต.ค. - ธ.ค. Courts of Appeal ศาลฎีกา Supreme Court Nature of suit ก.ค. - ก.ย. ต.ค. - ธ.ค. ม.ค. - มี.ค. เม.ย. - มิ.ย. ก.ค. - ก.ย. Jan. - Mar. Apr. - Jun. Jul. - Sep. Oct. - Dec. Jul. - Sep. Oct. - Dec. 2563 (2020) 2563 (2020) 57 Justice, Security, Political and Public Administration Statistics