Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics Volum 69, Quarter 3, 2021

จ าแนกตามอาชีพ และเขตการปกครอง พ.ศ. 2564 (ต่อ) by Occupation and Administration Zone : 2021 (Cont.) 100.0 100.0 Managers, senior officials 4.2 2.2 and legislators 7.8 3.5 Professionals Technicians and associate 6.7 2.5 professionals 6.1 3.4 Clerks 26.2 14.8 Service and sales workers Skilled agricultural, forestry 14.3 45.6 and fishery workers 11.7 9.5 Craft and related trades workers Plant and machine operators 12.3 7.8 and assemblers 10.5 10.7 Elementary occupations Workers not classifiable 0.2 -- by occupation Source: The Labour Force Survey Whole Kingdom, National Statistical Office, Ministry of Digital Economy and Society 10.5 4.4 9.8 10.6 0.1 4.6 20.0 31.5 รวมยอด Total Percentage of employed persons 100.0 3.1 5.4 Total Occupation ในเขตเทศบำล นอกเขตเทศบำล Municipal Non-municipal area area ไตรมำสที่ 3/2564 Quarter 3/2021 19 Labour Statistics