Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics Volum 71, Quarter 3, 2023

และฐานฟ้อง พ . ศ . 2565 - 2566 and Nature of Suit : 2022- 2023 10,608 9,678 1,472 1,411 1,786 2,412 Total 6,742 6,224 742 636 730 703 The offences provided by the Penal Code 133 129 14 11 19 16 Against officials 302 260 27 22 25 19 Against the judical officials 342 341 46 45 48 42 Relating to documents 445 366 52 47 69 64 Rape and indecent act Murder 543 446 112 68 91 88 Section 288-290,292-294 Section 2 8-2 , 29 185 133 18 16 18 15 Against life (except murder) 449 469 38 43 36 42 Against bodily harm 302 246 10 11 8 8 Defamation 1,080 1,030 96 80 103 73 Theft, snatching 71 62 5 5 4 7 Robbery 21 23 7 4 6 5 Gang - robbery 720 662 65 75 65 65 Cheating and fraud 325 296 27 30 33 27 Misappropriation 158 129 13 10 8 17 Receiving stolen property 159 166 21 13 14 9 Mischief 283 304 25 26 25 30 Trespass 1,224 1,162 166 130 158 176 Others The commission of offences 3,866 3,454 730 775 1,056 1,709 under others laws Narcotics Act -- - 3 3 4 5 - Heroin 12 15 239 306 487 986 - Methamphetamine 1 - 9 17 18 29 - Marijuana/marihuana 2 1 - - 1 1 - Other narcotics 213 119 17 9 16 26 Gambling Act Firearms, Ammunition, Explosive Articles 775 810 116 73 131 159 and Fireworks Act and Fireworks Act Automobile Act, Vehicles Act and 242 139 5 11 10 20 Land Transportation Act 206 174 12 10 13 25 Immigration Act Act on the Offences Relation 336 334 49 40 29 40 to the Use of Cheque 2,079 1,862 280 306 347 418 Others Note: Including the number of cases and charge Source: Office of the Judiciary, Ministry of Justice Nature of suit ม . ค . - มี . ค . เม . ย . - มิ . ย . ก . ค . - ก . ย . ต . ค . - ธ . ค . ม . ค . - มี . ค . Jul. - Sep. Oct. - Dec. Jan. - Mar. Apr. - Jun. Jan. - Mar. Apr. - Jun. เม . ย . - มิ . ย . ศาลฎีกา Supreme Court 2566 (2023) Courts of Appeal 2565 (2022) 2566 (2023) 57 Justice, Security, Political and Public Administration Statistics