Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics Volume 69, Quarter 4, 2021

จ าแนกตามศาล และฐานฟ้อง พ.ศ. 2564 and Nature of Suit : 2021 2,300 2,142 409 313 336 367 199 293 46 45 35 47 Tort action 131 85 23 18 19 28 Purchase, sales, exchange and gift 54 63 12 10 7 6 Rent, hire-purchase 91 74 13 13 15 26 Hires labor and carriage 80 101 13 13 9 7 Loan 1 1 3 - - 1 Deposit, warehousing 105 119 8 1 6 10 Suretyship 49 83 7 5 5 4 Mortgage 3 1 2 - - - Pledge Agency, brokerage and management 24 21 8 8 10 16 without mandate 52 40 - - - - Insurance 30 23 5 3 2 3 Bills 29 20 2 - 1 - Partnership, company and association Disputes concerning land, ejectment 439 368 119 81 88 97 and servitude 55 43 14 18 11 15 Inheritances 43 36 2 8 5 2 Non-contentions cases 915 771 132 90 123 105 Others Note: Including the number of cases and charge Source: Office of the Judiciary, Ministry of Justice Total ม.ค. - มี.ค. เม.ย. - มิ.ย. Jan. - Mar. Apr. - Jun. Jul. - Sep. Nature of suit ก.ค. - ก.ย. ต.ค. - ธ.ค. Oct. - Dec. Jul. - Sep. Oct. - Dec. ก.ค. - ก.ย. ต.ค. - ธ.ค. Courts of Appeal ศาลฎีกา Supreme Court 55 Justice, Security, Political and Public Administration Statistics