Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics Volum 71, Quarter 4, 2023

ระดับการศึกษาที่ส าเร็จ และเขตการปกครอง พ . ศ . 2566 Level of Educational Attainment and Administration Zone: 2023 18,632.7 21,617.5 332.4 536.2 No education 1,612.5 3,436.4 Less than elementary education 3,324.7 5,530.1 Elementary education 3,187.4 3,912.9 Lower secondary education 3,918.6 4,220.3 Upper secondary education 3,032.9 3,489.2 General/Academic 877.7 729.5 Vocational 8.0 1.6 Teacher training 5,959.8 3,832.6 Higher education 4,229.5 2,254.2 Academic 1,332.7 1,134.7 Higher technical education 397.6 443.8 Teacher training 109.6 78.7 Others (1) 187.8 70.4 Unknown 100.0 100.0 100.0 2.2 1.8 2.5 No education 12.5 8.7 15.9 Less than elementary education 22.0 17.8 25.6 Elementary education 17.6 17.1 18.1 Lower secondary education Thousand persons) Total Percentage of employed persons Level of educational attainment Municipal Non-municipal ในเขตเทศบำล นอกเขตเทศบำล Total area area ไตรมำสที่ 4/2566 Quarter 4/2023 รวมยอด Total Number of employed persons 9,792.4 6,483.7 2,467.4 841.3 188.2 258.1 6,522.1 1,607.3 9.6 40,250.1 868.6 5,048.9 8,854.7 7,100.2 8,138.9 2 7 Labour Statistics