สำมะโนธุรกิจและอุตสาหกรรม พ.ศ.2565 ธุรกิจทางการค้าและธุรกิจทางการบริการ กรุงเทพมหานคร

3.2.1 Persons engaged and remuneration Focusing on the number of persons engaged, table C shows that, there were a total of 1.3 million persons engaged in the business establishments in Bangkok. Most of them (about 5.4 hundred thousand persons or 40.2 percent) engaged in establishments with 1-5 persons. Consider ing by division of business industry, it was found that most of the persons engaged (about 3.2 hundred thousand persons or 24.1 percent) engaged in retail trade (except of motor vehicles and motorcycles). This was followed by those engaged in wholesale trade (except of motor vehicles and motorcycles) and food and beverage service, which had the proport ions of about 20.0 percent and 15.7 percent, respectively. The other divisions of business industry not mentioned above had rather low proportion of persons engaged, of which each one had less than 11 .0 percent. 75 The employees engaged in business establishments in Bangkok received the total remunerat ion of about 220.2 bi l l ion baht or about 210.3 thousand baht per person pe r annum. The emp l oyees engaged i n establishments with 51-200 persons received the highest annual remuneration, of about 256.5 t housand baht pe r pe rson . Wh i l e t hose employees engaged in establishments with 1 -5 persons rece i ved the l owest annua l remuneration, of about 164.3 thousand baht per person. Considering by division of business industry, it was found that the employees engaged in programming and broadcast ing activities the highest annual remuneration, of about 439.8 thousand baht per person. This was followed by those engaged in architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis received the annual remuneration of about 348.6 thousand baht . The employees engaged in other personal service activities received the lowest annual remunerat ion, of about 133.8 thousand baht per person. Remuneration Number of persons engaged In terms of employment, the number of employees amounted to 1.0 million persons. About 3.0 hundred thousand persons or 28.2 percent of employees worked in establishments with 6 -15 persons. Considering by division of business industry, most of the employees (about 23.5 percent) engaged in wholesale trade (except of motor vehicles and motorcycles) . This was fol lowed by those engaged in retai l trade (except of motor vehicles and motorcycles), food and beverage service activities, and real estate activities , which had the proportions of about 20.6 percent 13.8 percent and 10.2 percent respectively. Number of employees The other divisions of business industry not mentioned above had rather low proportion of employees, of which each one had less than 9.0 percent.