สำมะโนธุรกิจและอุตสาหกรรม พ.ศ.2565 ธุรกิจทางการค้าและธุรกิจทางการบริการ กรุงเทพมหานคร

1 . The estimation of total at activity level 1 . 1 The estimated total number of the characteristic X of the establishments for the ℎ sub - size, ℎ activity, ℎ class, ℎ group, ℎ division, ℎ ℎ region was based on the formula : ̂ hjklmp , = ∑ ̂ hijklmp , ℎ =1 where ̂ hijklmp , is the estimated total number of the characteristic X for the ℎ sub - size, ℎ activity, ℎ class, ℎ group, ℎ division, ℎ province, ℎ ℎ region . which ̂ ′ ℎ = ′ ℎ ∑ ℎ ′ ℎ =1 x hijklmpq is the value of the characteristic X for the ℎ sample establishment, ℎ sub - size, ℎ activity, ℎ class, ℎ group, ℎ division, ℎ province, ℎ ℎ region . w hijklmp ′ is the weighting factor of the establishments for the ℎ sub - size, ℎ activity, ℎ class, ℎ group, ℎ division, ℎ province, ℎ ℎ region . Where w hijklmp ′ = N hijklmp ′ n hijklmp ′ N hijklmp ′ is the total number of the establishments for the ℎ sub - size, ℎ activity, ℎ class, ℎ group, ℎ division, ℎ province, ℎ ℎ region . n hijklmp ′ is the total number of the sample establishments for the ℎ sub - size, ℎ activity, ℎ class, ℎ group, ℎ division, ℎ province, ℎ ℎ region . ℎ is the total provinces in the ℎ ℎ region, where ∑ ℎ = 77 6 ℎ =1 117