สำมะโนธุรกิจและอุตสาหกรรม พ.ศ.2565 ธุรกิจทางการค้าและธุรกิจทางการบริการ กรุงเทพมหานคร

. % .8% .3% . % Single unit Head office Branch Others e.g. franchise .9% . % .8% . % .5% .9% % % % Company limited/ public company limited Government, state enterprise, cooperative and others Juristic/ partnership Individual proprietor Most establishments, or about 69.9 percent were in the form of individual proprietor. The establishments were in the form of company l imited or publ ic company l imited , jurist ic partnership and government, state enterprise, cooperatives and others had proportions less than 35 .0 percent . In terms of Economic organization form, most establishments, or about 92.8 percent were single unit . The rest of establishments which were in the form of branch, head office and others about 5.3, 1.8, and 0.1 percent respectively. < 5 years 30 years 20-29 years 10-19 years 5-9 years For a period of operation, it showed that most of the establ ishments or about 75.7 percent had operated their business for less than 20 years.