สำมะโนธุรกิจและอุตสาหกรรม พ.ศ.2565 ธุรกิจทางการค้าและธุรกิจทางการบริการ กรุงเทพมหานคร

72 TABLE A Number and percentage of business establishments by size of establishment and division of business industry 74 TABLE B Number and percentage of business establishments by type of establishment 76 TABLE C Persons engaged, employees, remuneration and average annual remuneration per employee by size of establishment and division of business industry 78 TABLE D Income, intermediate consumption, value added and value added per income by size of establishment and division of business industry 80 TABLE E Average value of income and average value added per establishment and average value of income and average value added per person engaged by size of establishment and division of business industry 81 TABLE F Percentage of business establishments by the level of impact from the pandemic of COVID-19 in 2021 and 2022 LIST OF TABLES xxiv