สำมะโนธุรกิจและอุตสาหกรรม พ.ศ.2565 ธุรกิจทางการค้าและธุรกิจทางการบริการ กรุงเทพมหานคร

4) Government or state enterprise 2.3.5 Form of legal organization classified to 10 types as follow 1) Individual proprietor Refers to a privately-owned establishment or an establishment owned by organized in the form of partnership, but not registered. 2) Juristic partnership Refers to an establ ishment which was legal ly registered by at least 2 persons who were bound together to form and share their responsibilities in a business. 3) Company limited or public company limited - Company limited refers to an establishment which was established and legally registered by an initiative group of at least 2 persons. - Public company limited refer to an establishment which was established and legally registered by an initiative group of at least 15 persons. Refers to an establishment, which is entirely owned by the government or more than 50 percent of its shares belonged to the government. 7) Association Refers to an association created for conducting any activity which, according to its nature, is to be done continuously and collectively by persons other than that of sharing profits or incomes earned, must have its regulations and must be registered according to the provisions of this Code by an initiative group of at least 3 persons. 8) Foundation Refers to a foundation consists of property specially appropriated to public charity, religious, art, scientific, education or other purposes for the public benefit and not for sharing profit, and has been registered under the provisions of this Code. The property of a foundation must be managed for implementing the objects of that foundation, and not for seeking interest for any person. The group encourages women to bring about change in their own lives and their communities. Besides, the group connects women and supports them to participate in decision making and encourage each other, and learn new skills, which they can use to create an income. 5) Cooperatives Refers to an establishment, which was organized on cooperative lines and registered under the Cooperation Act. With an initiative group of not less than 10 persons. 10) Others Refer to an establishment, which was other organized than those mentioned earlier, i.e. clubs, legal entities, etc. 6) Community group A group is established by the needs of the members who work for the group in order to enhance their well-being and quality of life including the development in economic, social and environment in the community. 9) Community Enterprise Refers to a group is established by the needs of the members who work for the group in order to enhance their well-being and quality of life including the development in economic, social and environment in the community same as community group, but community enterprise has registered with department of agricultural extension to get the financial support. 59