สำมะโนธุรกิจและอุตสาหกรรม พ.ศ.2565 ธุรกิจทางการค้าและธุรกิจทางการบริการ กรุงเทพมหานคร

2.3.2 4 Value added The value added is computed as follows: Value added = Income – Intermediate consumption 2.3.25 Ownership transfer fee Refers to value of expenses in ownership asset transfer. Income = Total receipts of establishments Receipts for rent on land Dividend / Interest Gains from currency exchange Change in value of stocks Intermediate consumption = Va l ue o f goods and components Purchased for sales or rendering services Other operating expenses Interest paid Bad debt losses of currency exchange 2.4.1 Establishments with 1 - 10 persons engaged The stratified systematic sampling was adopted for the survey. Each province was constituted a stratum. Each Thailand Standard Industrial Classification (TSIC 2009) and sub-size of establishment was constituted a sub-stratum. The sampling units were establishments. Stratification Each province was constituted a stratum. There were altogether 77 strata. Each stratum was classified by TSIC 2009 into 618 sub-stratums at 309 activity levels and in each sub -stratum was divided into 2 sub-sizes according to number of persons engaged: 1-5 and 6-10. 2.4.2 Establ ishments with 11 persons engaged and over All the establishments with 11 persons e n g a g e d a n d ove r we r e comp l e t e l y enumerated. Which were divided into 10 sub-sizes according to number of persons engaged (11 – 15 , 16 – 20 , 21 – 25 , 26 – 30 , 31 – 50 , 51 – 100 , 101 – 200 , 201 – 500 , 501 – 1 , 000 and > 1 , 000) 67