สำมะโนธุรกิจและอุตสาหกรรม พ.ศ. 2565 อุตสาหกรรมการผลิต: กรุงเทพมหานคร

The 2022 Business and Industrial Census (Manufacturing Industry: Bangkok) xxvi National Statistical Office 2 . 4 Average remuneration by division of industry 235,420.9 234,152.9 222,214.2 216,874.3 215,195.4 214,950.7 208,611 .6 208,462.9 186,736.9 Manufacture of tobacco produc ts Manufac ture of pharmaceut i ca l s, med i ci na l chemi ca l and botan i ca l produc ts Manufac ture of other non-metal l i c mi nera l produc ts Manufac ture of motor vehi c l es , t ra i l ers and semi -t ra i l ers Others Sewerage Manufac ture of computers , el ect ron i c and opt i ca l produc ts Other manufac tur i ng Manufac ture of other t ranspor t equ i pment Division of industry Average remuneration ( Unit: baht per person per year) Considering the average remuneration by division of industry, the employees engaged in Sewerage received the highest remuneration about 235,420.9 baht per person per year, followed by employees engaged in the Manufacture of computers, electronic and optical products about 234,152.9 baht per person per year. In comparison, employees engaged in the other divisions, such as the Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, Manufacture of tobacco products received remuneration of less than 230,000.0 baht per person per year .