สำมะโนธุรกิจและอุตสาหกรรม พ.ศ. 2565 อุตสาหกรรมการผลิต: ภาคกลาง

56 National Statistical Office The 2022 Business and Industrial Census ( Manufacturing Industry : Central Region ) Figure 4 Percentage of establishment by need aid from the government, first 5 need aids 3 . 6 NEED AID FROM THE GOVERNMENT Of the manufacturing establishment in in the Central region, about 81 . 7 % need aid from the government . In this number, 80 . 7 % need to reduce the production cost, 43.6% need to investment promotion for entrepreneur, .6.% need to reduce or except import duties on raw materials equipment machinery, 31 .8% need to reduce or except import duties on raw materials equipment machinery, 23 .4% need to provide low interest loan / ease of access to loan, and 12.6% need to Provide low interest loan / ease of access to loan . Others aids not mentioned above such as expand the market or promoting the export, and adjust the regulation, etc . had a proportion of less than 12 .5% 18.3 % 81 . 7% 12.6 80.7 43.6 31.8 23.4 Note : Can be done more than 1 choice No need aids From the government Need aids from the government Reduce production cost Investment promotion for entrepreneur Reduce or except import duties on rawmaterialsequipment machinery Provide low interest load/ ease of accessto loan Inerease the credit limit for entrepreneur