สำมะโนธุรกิจและอุตสาหกรรม พ.ศ. 2565 อุตสาหกรรมการผลิต: ปริมณฑล

35 Business and Industrial Census Statistical Methodology Classes are the sub - groups identified by the first four digits code . There are a total of 164 classes ranging from 1011 – 3320 , 3700 – 3900 , and 5811 – 5820 Activities are the single industries activities in the class and are identified by the five digits code . There are a total of 409 activities ranging from 10111 – 33200 , 37000 – 39000 , and 58111 – 58203 3. Persons engaged Refers to paid and unpaid workers who normally work at the establishment working at the end of the pay period . It also included persons who normally worked in the establishments but were absent during the referred period due to illness or on leave with pay . It excluded those persons on leave for military service or one who had obtained long leave or were on strike . 4. Remuneration 1 ) Wages / salaries refer to all payments paid to the employees during January - December 2021 , whether paid monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, or piece - work basis . 2 ) Overtime, bonus, special payment, cost of living allowance, and commission refer to all payments paid to employees for extra work . 3 ) Fringe benefits refer to all payments in addition to wages or salaries paid to employees, such as food, beverages, lodgings, rent, medical care, transportation, recreational and entertainment services, etc . Payments might be in cash or kind .