สำมะโนธุรกิจและอุตสาหกรรม พ.ศ. 2565 อุตสาหกรรมการผลิต: ปริมณฑล

49 Business and Industrial Census Chapter 3 Major Finding 3 . 2 . 4 Gross output and value added per person For the gross output and the value added per person, the manufacturing establishments in the Vicinity had the average value of gross output and average value added per person of about 2 . 9 million baht and 832,100 baht, respectively . Considering by size of the establishment, it was found that the establishments with 3 1 - 50 persons had the highest average value of gross output and average value added per person, of about 3.3 million baht and 993,500 baht, respectively, In comparison, the establishments with 1 - 5 persons had the lowest average value of gross output and average value added per person, of about 1.1 million baht and 409,600 baht, respectively . In terms of the average value of gross output and average value added per person in each division of industry, it was found that establishments engaged in the Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products had the highest average value of gross output per person, of about 8.3 million baht and 2.0 million baht . Those engaged in the Publishing activities had the lowest average value of gross and average per person, of about 632,300 baht and 255,900 baht, respectively . ( Table D )