สำมะโนธุรกิจและอุตสาหกรรม พ.ศ. 2565 อุตสาหกรรมการผลิต: ปริมณฑล
51 Business and Industrial Census Chapter 3 Major Finding Table E Principal data of establishments in year 2016 and 2021 Data items 2016 2021 % Change Number of establishments ( Establishments ) 27,844 32,548 16.9 Number of persons engaged ( Persons ) Average establishment ( Persons ) 1,134,678 40 . 8 1,510,023 46.4 33.1 13.7 Number of employees ( Persons ) Average establishment ( Persons ) 1,114,528 40.0 1,489,848 45.8 33.7 14.5 Remuneration ( Million baht ) Average annual per employee ( Baht ) 176,540.9 158,400.0 295,887.4 198,602.4 67.6 25.4 Value of gross output ( Million baht ) Average per establishment ( Thousand baht ) Average per person ( Thousand baht ) 3,505,166.7 125,885.9 3,089.1 4,340,842.5 133,367.4 2,874.7 23.8 5.9 -6.9 Intermediate consumption ( Million baht ) Average per establishment ( Thousand baht ) Average per person ( Thousand baht ) 2,748,734.4 98,719.1 2,422.5 3,084,320.6 94,762.2 2,042.6 12.2 -4.0 -15.7 Value added ( Million baht ) Average per establishment ( Thousand baht ) Average per person ( Thousand baht ) 756,432.3 27,166.8 666.6 1,256,521.9 38,605.2 832.1 66.1 42.1 24.8 Comparing the data of the 2022 and 2017 Industrial Census, in which the operation period was of the year in 2021 and 2016 , the results showed that the number of manufacturing establishments increased by 16.9% and the number of persons engaged increased by 33.1% , while the average number of person engaged per establishment increased by 1 3.7%. In terms of employment, the number of employees increased by 33.7% , and average number of employees per establishment increased by 14.5% . And the annual remuneration increased by 67.6 % over 5 years . 3 . 3 CHANGED RATE
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