สำมะโนธุรกิจและอุตสาหกรรม พ.ศ. 2565 อุตสาหกรรมการผลิต: ปริมณฑล

54 National Statistical Office The 2022 Business and Industrial Census ( Manufacturing Industry : Vicinity ) Figure 2 Percentage of recovery of establishments by revenue proportion comparison of 2022 and 2019 ( the year before the pandemic of COVID - 19 ) and obstacles in recovery 3 .4.3 The recovery of establishment by revenue proportion comparison of 2022 and 2019 ( the year before the pandemic of COVID -19) Comparing the recovery by revenue proportion of manufacturing establishments in the Vicinity in 2022 and 20 1 9 shows that 60.0% still shrunk to very shrunk in revenue recovery . The main influence obstacles, such as weak consumer purchasing power, changes in consumer behavior, government policy, and customers or traders still closing the factory, etc . Very recovery Recovery Stable Shrunk Very shrunk 91.8 % Purchasing power remains weak 17.2 % Customers / traders still close the factory 14.2 % Transportation / travel still not recovery 11.7 % Labor shortage 6.3 % Customer ordered from other countries 2 . 5 % Customer permanently moved the order to other countries 36.8 % Changes in consumer behavior 18.8 % Government policy ( >110 %) ( 100 - 110 %) ( 90 - 100 %) ( 80 - 90 %) ( <80 %) Note : Can be done more than 1 choice Obstacle in recovery 0.9% 7.9% 31.2% 47.1% 12.9%