สำมะโนธุรกิจและอุตสาหกรรม พ.ศ. 2565 อุตสาหกรรมการผลิต: ทั่วราชอาณาจักร

xxi Executive S ummary Business and Industrial Census 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF ESTABLISHMENTS 1.1 Number of establishments 1.2 Size of establishments ( persons engaged ) Bangkok 33,553 Vicinity 32,548 Central 63,647 100,647 Northern Northeastern 162,622 45,242 Total of establishments 438,259 The results of the Business and Industrial Census 2022: Manufacturing Industry shows that there were 438,259 manufacturing establishments in the Whole Kingdom, most of which were located in Northeastern region, followed by Northern region, Central region, Bangkok, Southern region, and Vicinity . 15 . 4 % Small 2 . 2 % Medium Large 0 . 9 % 81 . 5 % Micro ( 1 - 5 person ) Considering the structure of the establishment in Thailand by the size of the establishment, most establishments, or 81 . 5% were micro establishments . While small, medium, and large establishments accounted for only 18 . 5% . Southern Number of establishments ( 6 - 50 person ) ( 51 - 200 person ) More than 200 person )