สำมะโนธุรกิจและอุตสาหกรรม พ.ศ. 2565 อุตสาหกรรมการผลิต: ทั่วราชอาณาจักร

xxv Executive S ummary Business and Industrial Census 2 . 2 Remuneration 2 . 3 Average remuneration by size of establishments There were 5,342,407 persons working in manufacturing establishments in the Whole Kingdom . Of this number, 50.7% were male workers, and 49.3% were female workers . To consider the work status, male workers were skill labour at 38 . 2 % while female workers at 32 . 7 %. Bangkok Considering the remuneration, employees working in manufacturing establishments in the Whole Kingdom received a total remuneration of 865 , 742.8 million baht or an average of 1 8 1 , 9 9 4 . 9 baht per person per year . The employees engaged in The Central region received the highest remuneration, about 200,943 . 7 baht per person per year, followed by the Vicinity region, Bangkok, Southern region, Northeastern region, and Northern region . Vicinity Central Northeastern Southern 82,930 . 4 193,248 . 4 295,887 . 4 198,602 . 5 343,056 . 6 200,943 . 7 Northern 42,188 . 0 119,736 . 5 62,935 . 9 122,308 . 7 38,744 . 4 146,846 . 7 Remuneration 865,742 . 8 million baht Average remuneration per person per year 181,994 . 9 baht unit : million baht unit : baht Micro Small Medium 78,362 . 3 136,401 . 4 182,318 . 1 213,261 . 6 Considering the remuneration, employees working in large establishments received the highest remuneration, about 213,261 . 6 baht per person per year, In contrast, employees working in Micro establishment received the lowest remuneration, about 78,362 . 3 baht per person per year Unit : baht per person per year