The 2016 Core Economic Indicators - page 76

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
The value of domestically produced goods and services
in their final forms, during a specific period of time, irrespective of the
original sources of production factors.
Board Revising of the estimation technique of real national income from
fixed based year to chain volume measures (CVM) reference year 2002
Gross National Product (GNP)
The value of domestically produced goods and services
in their final forms of the original sources of production factors
GNP= The sum of GDP and net factor income from abroad.
Balance of Payments
A summary of economic transactions between residents
and nonresidents that take place during a specific time period. Balance
of payments consists of 2 accounts Current Account, and Capital and
Financial Account. (consist of capital account and financial account.)
Current Account
The net sum of trade in goods and services, primary income
and secondary income.
Narrow Money (M1)
A category of money supply that includes all physical money
like coins and currency along with demand deposits and other liquid
assets held by the central bank.
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