Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
The value of domestically produced goods and services in their
final forms, during a specific period of time, irrespective of the original
sources of production factors
Gross National Product (GNP)
The sum of GDP and net factor income from abroad
Current Account
The net sum of trade in goods and services, income and current
Balance of Payments
A summary of economic transactions transfers between
residents and nonresidents that take place during a specific time
Money Supply (M2a)
Broadens the definition of broad money (M2) including promissory
notes, in other words money that finance and finance & securities
companies take as deposits from the public.
Minimum Lending Rate
The interest rate at which the lending commercial bank
charges its most credit worthy major borrowers on loans with pre-
specified repayment schedules.
Industrial Capacity Utilization
A production indicator of the manufacturing sector by
comparing the actual production level with the corresponding full
capacity level.
Gini Coefficient
Indicator that used for measure of inequality
1...,56,57,58-59,60-61,62-63,64-65,66-67,68,69,70 72,73,74