Core Economic and Social Indicators of Thailand 2011

Definition Macro Economics 1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) The value of domestically produced goods and services in their final forms, during a specific period of time, irrespective of the original sources of production factors . 2. Gross National Product (GNP) The sum of GDP and net factor income from abroad . 3. National Income (NI) The aggregate income of domestic residents derived from the production of goods and services of an economy, during a period of time. 4. Degree of Openness Level of economic dependency. 5. Current Account The net sum of trade in goods and services, income and current transfers. 6. Balance of Payments A summary of economic transactions transfers between residents and nonresidents that takes place during a specific time period. 7. Cash Balance The difference between the actual revenue remitted to the Treasury and expenditure of the government from both budget and non-budget allocations.