Core Economic and Social Indicators of Thailand 2011

15. Gini Coefficient Indicator that used for measure of inequality . 16. Poverty Line Conceptualized, as a minimum standard required by an individual to fulfill his or her basic food and non-food needs and unit in baht / person / month. 17. Head Count Index The headcount index is the proportion of the population for whom consumption (or other measures of living standard) is less than the poverty line. Competitiveness 18. Patent Dependency Ratio Ratio number of foreigner patent application per number of Thai patent applications . 19. Autosufficiency Ratio Ratio number of foreigner patent applications per number of total patent applications. Population and Housing 20. Population by Registered System Each person was counted as registered. 21. Life Expectation at Birth Average number of years lived after exact age X. 22. Dependency Ratio Age-population ratio of those typically not in the labor force (the dependent part) and those typically in the labor force (the productive part).