Core Economic and Social Indicators of Thailand 2011

The dependent part usually includes those under the age of 15 and over the age of 60. The productive part makes up the population in between, ages 15-59. In developed countries measure the number of dependents (aged 0-14 and over the age of 65). 23. Potential Support Ratio The number of people age 15-59 per one older person aged 60 or older. This ratio describes the burden placed on the working population (unemployment and children are not considered in this measure) by the non- working elderly population. 24. Secure Tenure It defined as the arrangements by which a household occupies its living quarters as owner, hire-purchaser or renter. 25. Access to Safe Drinking Water It defined as the households access to safe drinking water. The term of safe drinking water refers to bottled drinking water, tap water, rain water or private well. Labor Force 26. Employed Persons Persons 15 years of age and over who during the survey week, 1. worked for at least one hour for wages/salary, profits, dividends or any other kind of payment, in kind; or 2. did not work at all or worked less than one hour but 2.1 receives wages/salary, profits from business enterprise or farm during the period of absence; or