Core Economic and Social Indicators of Thailand 2011

2.2 not receive wages/salary, profits from business enterprise or farm during the period of absence but had regular jobs or business that they would be return to work. 3. worked for at least one hour without pay in business enterprises or on farms owned or operated by household heads or members. 27. Unemployed Persons Persons 15 years of age and over who during the survey week did not work even for one hour, had no jobs, business enterprise or farms of their own. Persons in this category include : 1. Those who had been looking for work, applying for a job or waiting to be call to work during the last 30 days before interview’s date. 2. Those who had not been looking for work during the last 30 days before interview’s date but available for work during the last 7 days before interview’s date. 28. Total Labor Force All persons 15 years of age and over, who during the survey week, were in the current labor force as defined above or were classified as seasonally inactive labor force as defined above. 29. Industry The term "industry" as herein used refers to the nature of economic activity undertaken in the establishment in which a person worked or the nature of business in which he was engaged during the survey week. If a person had more than one job, the industry corresponding to the occupation recorded was asked.