Report IMD 2019

ซ สารบัญตัวชี้วัด (ต่อ) หน้า 1.2 International Trade 1.2.01 Current account balance ($bn) 2-44 1.2.02 Current account balance 2-46 1.2.03 Balance of trade ($bn) 2-48 1.2.04 Balance of trade (%) 2-49 1.2.05 Balance of commercial services ($bn) 2-50 1.2.06 Balance of commercial services (%) 2-52 1.2.07 World exports contribution 2-54 1.2.08 Exports of goods ($bn) 2-55 1.2.09 Exports of goods (%) 2-56 1.2.10 Exports of goods per capita 2-57 1.2.11 Exports of goods –growth 2-58 1.2.12 Exports of commercial services ($bn) 2-59 1.2.13 Exports of commercial services (%) 2-61 1.2.14 Exports of commercial services – growth 2-63 1.2.15 Exports of goods & commercial services 2-65 1.2.16 Exports breakdown by economic sector 2-67 1.2.17 Export concentration by partner 2-69 1.2.18 Export concentration by product 2-70 1.2.19 Imports of goods & commercial services ($bn) 2-71 1.2.20 Imports of goods & commercial services (%) 2-73 1.2.21 Imports of goods & commercial services – growth 2-75 1.2.22 Imports breakdown by economic sector 2-77 1.2.23 Trade to GDP ratio 2-78 1.2.24 Terms of trade index 2-79 1.2.25 Tourism receipts 2-80 1.3 International Investment 1.3.01 Direct investment flows abroad ($bn) 2-82 1.3.02 Direct investment flows abroad (%) 2-85 1.3.03 Direct investment stocks abroad ($bn) 2-87 1.3.04 Direct investment stocks abroad (%) 2-88