Report IMD 2019

ฌ สารบัญตัวชี้วัด (ต่อ) หน้า 1.3.05 Direct investment flows inward ($bn) 2-89 1.3.06 Direct investment flows inward (%) 2-91 1.3.07 Direct investment stocks inward ($bn) 2-93 1.3.08 Direct investment stocks inward (%) 2-94 1.3.09 Balance of direct investment flows ($bn) 2-95 1.3.10 Balance of direct investment flows (%) 2-97 1.3.11 Net position in direct investment stocks ($bn) 2-99 1.3.12 Net position in direct investment stocks (%) 2-100 1.3.14 Portfolio investment assets 2-101 1.3.15 Portfolio investment liabilities 2-103 1.4 Employment 1.4.01 Employment 2-105 1.4.02 Employment (%) 2-107 1.4.03 Employment – growth 2-109 1.4.04 Employment - long-term growth 2-111 1.4.05 Employment by sector 2-112 1.4.06 Employment in the public sector 2-114 1.4.07 Unemployment rate 2-116 1.4.08 Long-term unemployment 2-118 1.4.09 Youth unemployment 2-120 1.4.10 Youth exclusion 2-122 1.5 Price 1.5.01 Consumer price inflation 2-123 1.5.02 Cost-of-living index 2-125 1.5.03 Apartment rent 2-127 1.5.04 Office rent 2-129 1.5.05 Food costs 2-131 1.5.06 Gasoline prices 2-132