Report IMD 2019

ฑ สารบัญตัวชี้วัด (ต่อ) หน้า 4.3.06 Total R&D personnel 5-61 4.3.07 Total R&D personnel per capita 5-63 4.3.08 Total R&D personnel in business enterprise 5-65 4.3.09 Total R&D personnel in business per capita 5-67 4.3.10 Researchers in R&D per capita 5-69 4.3.11 Science degrees 5-71 4.3.12 Scientific articles 5-72 4.3.13 Nobel prizes 5-74 4.3.14 Nobel prizes per capita 5-76 4.3.15 Patent applications 5-77 4.3.16 Patent applications per capita 5-79 4.3.17 Patent grants 5-81 4.3.18 Number of patents in force 5-83 4.3.19 Medium- and high-tech value added 5-85 4.4 Health and Environment 4.4.01 Total health expenditure 5-87 4.4.02 Total health expenditure per capita 5-90 4.4.03 Public expenditure on health (%) 5-93 4.4.05 Universal health care covereage index 5-95 4.4.06 Life expectancy at birth 5-96 4.4.07 Healthy life expectancy 5-98 4.4.08 Infant mortality 5-100 4.4.09 Medical assistance 5-102 4.4.10 Urban population 5-105 4.4.11 Human development index 5-107 4.4.12 Energy intensity 5-109 4.4.13 Waste water treatment plants 5-112 4.4.14 Water consumption intensity 5-115 4.4.15 CO2 emissions 5-118 4.4.16 CO2 emissions intensity 5-120 4.4.17 Exposure to particle pollution 5-122