Report IMD 2019

ก-10 Item Indicator 2553 (2010) 2554 (2011) 2555 (2012) 2556 (2013) 2557 (2014) 2558 (2015) 2559 (2016) 2560 (2017) 2561 (2018) 2562 (2019) 2.2.04 Collected indirect tax revenues (Background) 10.05 9.13 10.22 10.66 10.62 10.95 9.70 9.71 9.72 9.55 Unit: Percent (Rank) (22) (23) (25) (28) (26) (34) (21) (24) (27) (25) 2.2.05 Collected capital and property taxes (Background) 0.28 0.20 0.23 0.34 0.36 0.41 0.40 0.40 0.39 0.36 Unit: Percent (Rank) (7) (6) (6) (9) (10) (12) (9) (13) (12) (13) 2.2.06 Collected social security contribution (Background) 0.94 0.92 1.31 0.93 0.74 0.74 0.68 1.06 1.00 0.99 Unit: Percent (Rank) (10) (8) (9) (8) (7) (9) (9) (12) (12) (12) 2.2.07 Effective personal income tax rate 5.00 5.00 5.16 3.51 3.84 4.76 4.33 4.09 4.09 4.09 Unit: Percent (Rank) (4) (6) (6) (5) (4) (6) (5) (5) (5) (5) 2.2.08 Corporate tax rate on profit 30.00 30.00 23.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 Unit: Percent (Rank) (40) (43) (26) (16) (16) (15) (15) (15) (18) (16) 2.2.09 Consumption tax rate 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 Unit: Percent (Rank) (8) (7) (7) (7) (7) (7) (7) (8) (8) (8) 2.2.10 Employee's social security contribution rate 5.00 5.00 5.16 3.51 3.84 4.76 4.33 4.09 4.09 4.09 Unit: Percent (Rank) (11) (13) (15) (10) (11) (15) (13) (13) (13) (13) 2.2.11 Employer's social security contribution rate 5.60 5.60 5.78 3.51 3.84 4.76 4.33 4.09 7.71 4.09 Unit: Percent (Rank) (10) (11) (10) (6) (4) (7) (6) (6) (12) (6) 2.2.12 Real personal taxes (Survey) 5.16 5.86 5.79 5.79 5.54 4.68 5.29 5.75 5.28 5.60 Unit: 0-10 (discourage - do not discourage) (Rank) (23) (17) (21) (22) (22) (34) (23) (18) (28) (27) Real corporate taxes (Survey) 4.58 5.48 6.37 6.81 5.83 5.80 6.09 6.51 6.20 Unit: : 0-10 (discourage - do not discourage) (Rank) (32) (28) (17) (8) (23) (21) (19) (12) (18) 2.3 Institutional Framework 32 35 32 30 39 34 33 30 35 34 2.3.01 Real short-term interest rate 2.73 -1.27 -0.54 -0.26 0.55 0.59 2.93 1.81 1.33 1.17 Unit: Rate (Rank) (43) (14) (30) (26) (39) (38) (55) (52) (50) (43) 2.3.02 Cost of capital (Survey) 5.61 6.09 6.53 7.01 5.60 5.75 5.95 6.67 6.19 6.63 Unit: 0-10 (deter- encourage) (Rank) (16) (15) (12) (4) (29) (28) (27) (14) (26) (17)