Report IMD 2019

ก-21 Item Indicator 2553 (2010) 2554 (2011) 2555 (2012) 2556 (2013) 2557 (2014) 2558 (2015) 2559 (2016) 2560 (2017) 2561 (2018) 2562 (2019) 3.3.14 Shareholders' rights (Survey) 6.80 6.79 7.10 7.46 6.79 7.12 6.88 6.94 7.03 7.36 Unit: 0-10 (are not-are) (Rank) (17) (30) (20) (10) (28) (22) (25) (29) (27) (25) 3.3.15 Initial Public Offerings 1,539.27 2,519.38 3,252.43 3,959.91 2,564.62 2,891.05 2,502.70 Unit: US$ billions (Rank) (12) (13) (9) (11) (15) (15) (13) 3.3.16 Credit (Survey) 6.51 7.03 7.04 7.53 6.21 6.73 6.97 7.08 6.95 6.99 Unit: 0-10 (is not-is) (Rank) (13) (10) (11) (2) (22) (18) (13) (16) (20) (13) 3.3.17 Venture capital (Survey) 4.91 4.85 5.06 5.33 4.05 4.96 5.22 5.30 5.53 5.76 Unit: 0-10 (is not-is) (Rank) (17) (26) (19) (21) (39) (29) (25) (29) (28) (22) 3.3.18 M&A Activity 9,945.00 13,061.00 10,014.00 0.14 0.13 0.14 0.151 Unit: Number (2016- 2019) Unit: US$ millions (2013- 2015) (Rank) (26) (25) (28) (52) (54) (53) (52) 3.3.19 Corporate debt (Survey) 6.30 6.66 7.22 6.86 6.19 6.13 6.46 6.50 6.77 6.82 Unit: 0-10 (restrains-does not restrain) (Rank) (12) (13) (6) (11) (22) (22) (21) (25) (22) (20) 3.4 Management Practices 13 16 19 16 26 25 26 20 24 27 Adaptability of companies (Survey) 6.41 6.64 6.45 6.74 5.86 5.87 5.95 Unit: 0-10 (low-high) (Rank) (17) (20) (24) (19) (35) (30) (35) 3.4.01 Agility of companies (Survey) 5.96 5.69 5.64 Unit: 0-10 (are not-are) (Rank) (36) (35) (41) 3.4.02 Changing market conditions (Survey) 6.90 6.85 6.86 Unit: 0-10 (unaware- extremely aware) (Rank) (20) (19) (22) 3.4.03 Opportunities and threats (Survey) 6.25 6.03 6.02 Unit: 0-10 (are not-are) (Rank) (26) (32) (33) Ethical practices (Survey) 6.44 6.00 5.67 6.35 5.98 6.02 6.21 6.34 6.53 Unit: 0-10 (are not-are) (Rank) (22) (29) (36) (25) (28) (31) (28) (28) (28) 3.4.04 Credibility of managers (Survey) 6.74 6.90 6.90 6.91 6.49 6.41 6.44 6.71 6.85 6.53 Unit: 0-10 (weak-strang) (Rank) (11) (14) (11) (17) (21) (24) (25) (18) (18) (17)