Report IMD 2019

ก-23 Item Indicator 2553 (2010) 2554 (2011) 2555 (2012) 2556 (2013) 2557 (2014) 2558 (2015) 2559 (2016) 2560 (2017) 2561 (2018) 2562 (2019) 3.5.04 Flexibility and adaptability (Survey) 6.70 6.97 7.15 6.89 6.77 6.11 6.52 6.48 6.71 6.53 Unit: 0-10 (low-high) (Rank) (23) (20) (19) (23) (23) (40) (35) (36) (28) (34) 3.5.05 Need for economic and social reforms (Survey) 5.62 6.02 6.08 6.12 5.88 5.89 6.41 6.47 6.47 6.26 Unit: 0-10 (is not-is) (Rank) (30) (27) (29) (23) (28) (31) (17) (20) (21) (27) 3.5.06 Digital transformation in companies (Survey) 6.03 6.07 5.74 Unit: 0-10 (is not-is) (Rank) (33) (30) (30) 3.5.07 Value system (Survey) 5.84 6.04 6.24 6.02 5.64 5.91 5.89 6.29 6.48 6.22 Unit: 0-10 (not support- support) (Rank) (28) (27) (25) (31) (35) (29) (33) (29) (26) (34) Corporate values (Survey) 6.69 6.74 7.02 6.81 6.67 6.81 6.93 6.99 7.17 Unit: 0-10 (do not take- take) (Rank) (18) (22) (15) (17) (18) (21) (16) (16) (13) 4.1 Basic Infrastructure 26 24 26 25 28 30 35 34 31 27 4.1.01 Land area (Background) 513.00 513.00 513.00 513.00 513.00 513.00 513.00 513.00 513.00 513.00 Unit: Square kilometers (‘000) (Rank) (20) (20) (20) (20) (20) (21) ( 21) (22) (22) (23) 4.1.02 Arable area 2,883.0 0 2,842.0 0 2,840.0 0 3,060.0 0 3,060.0 0 3,272.0 0 3,298.0 0 3,285.0 0 3,272.0 0 3,232.0 0 Unit: Square meters (Rank) (24) (24) (24) (23) (23) (20) (20) (20) (20) (19) 4.1.03 Water resources 3,332.0 0 3,332.0 0 3,268.0 0 3,229.0 0 3,212.0 0 3,350.0 0 3,350.0 0 3,303.0 0 3,303.0 0 3,303.0 0 Unit: Cubic meters (Rank) (32) (32) (32) (32) (33) (32) (32) (32) (32) (32) 4.1.04 Access to water (Survey) 7.24 7.84 7.54 7.38 7.98 7.36 6.41 7.56 7.81 7.86 Unit: 0-10 (is not-is) (Rank) (36) (36) (36) (39) (36) (43) (51) (46) (39) (41) Access to commodities (Survey) 7.98 8.27 7.92 8.25 8.36 7.82 7.66 8.11 7.98 Unit: 0-10 (is not-is) (Rank) (39) (37) (41) (35) (35) (42) (46) (43) (45) Urbanization (Survey) 7.40 7.37 Unit: 0-10 (does not support-supports) (Rank) (29) (35) 4.1.05 Management of cities (Survey) 6.61 6.72 6.48 6.45 5.96 6.40 6.51 6.57 Unit: 0-10 (not support- support) (Rank) (30) (30) (31) (36) (40) (38) (33) (35)