Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2013

Water transport, there are many ports and harbors in Thailand, such as Bangkok, Klong Toey, Laem Chabang. These port can serve for both goods shipment and passengers. In Bangkok, the Chao Phraya River is a major transportation artery, with ferries, waterway taxis (the Chao Phraya Express) and long-tailed boats. Moreover there is the Khlong Saen Saeb boat service, which provides fast, inexpensive transport in central Bangkok. Social Language: The official language of Thailand is Thai, it is the principal language in formal communication and in education with Thai alphabet as a standard format in writing. There are several other dialects within the regions, namely, Southern Thai and Northern Thai, Northeastern Thai. Religion and Culture: According to the 2011 survey on conditions of society and culture, culture and mental health, it showed 94.6% of total populations are Buddhists. Muslims were the second largest at 5.6%, Christians, mainly Catholics, were 0.7% of total population, the rest were Hindus and Sikhs. Thailand is well-known as “Land of Smiles” as Thai people are friendly and kind and always provide warm hospitality to foreigners. The traditional greeting is “Wei”, which is a symbol for paying respect to the others. Education: The Thai Government provides 12 years education for all, with 9 years compulsory. School system is well organized of for kindergartens, primary, lower secondary etc. After lower secondary school, students can choose to extent to upper secondary school or vocational colleges or soldier/police institutions. Economy Thailand is regarded as a new economy country, the major economic of country are mostly based on agriculture, industry, tourism, service and natural resource. Overall economy in 2012 , the GDP (at fixed price of 1988 ) of country was 4 ,895.6 billion baht. For an export, its value was amounted of 7 ,091.3 billion baht, whereas the value of import was 7 ,738.5 billion baht. - 17 -