Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2013

Industrial Statistics Industrial statistics presented in this chapter were obtained from the Department of industrial Works, the Office of the Board of Investment, the Department of Primary Industry and Mines, Ministry of Industry and the National Statistical Office. Industrial statistics was derived from Industrial census , which has been conducted every 10 years, in accordance with the UN recommendation by the National Statistical Office. This census has been carried out 3 times already, in 1964, 1997 and 2007 . Presently the economic structure has changed rapidly, thus the concerned agencies, such as the Office of Industrial Economics, the office the National Economic and Social Development Board expressing the needs in timely industrial statistics for analyzing and monitoring economic statistics at regional and country levels. Therefore, as a major data producer, the National Statistic Office is shifting in conducting the industrial census from every 10 years into every 5 years, starting from 2012 . In order to cover wider range of economic activities, the business trade and services census is also incorporated in the 2012 industrial census, then it is called the 2012 Business and Industrial Census. Data collection of this census divided into 2 stages; - Listing stage in 2011 : collect basic information of all business and industrial establishments engaged in economic activities of the 2009 Thailand Standard Industrial Classification: ISIC 2009 . - Enumeration stage in 2012 : collect detailed information of their business operation. Industrial statistics were collected from permitted industrial establishments, in accordance with the Factory Act B.E. 2535 (1992), data were on industrial operation, capital and number of persons engaged. Factory means a building, place, or vehicle which uses a machine from five horsing powers or an equivalent thereof or more or which employs seven workers or more with or without any machine for manufacturing, producing, assembling, filling, repairing, maintaining, testing, improving, altering, transporting, keeping, or destroying anything in accordance with the type or kind of factory as provided for in a ministerial rule. Worker means a person who works in a factory but excluding a person working in an administrative staff.