Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2013

Constructions: The National Statistical Office has conducted a Permitted Area Constructions Survey annually since 1966. The survey covers all permitted building constructions, including additional and alteration constructions in every province in the country. New Construction means all new buildings whether or not they are re-built. Addition and alteration means any changes of building that its boundary, type, shape, ratio and area are innovated and have effect on its original form. Investment Promotion: The Board of Investment (BOI) is government agency responsible for conducting extensive investment promotion activities to the potential investments. In determining the suitability of investment for promotion, it should be significant investment that actually benefit to the economy, social and security of country. Apart from this, the priority is given to the investments having the activities, namely producing for global market, relating to capital and human resource or services, using agricultural products or natural resource in processing that the Board perceived the type of investment as a new or sufficient or upgrading production technology. Mineral Industry statistics: an important industry that enhanced national development. More than 40 kinds of minerals were produced domestically which could be categorized into 8 groups according to their industrial utilizations as follows: 1. Mineral Fuels and Energy group: Lignite and Anthracite 2. Base and Light Metals and Rare Earth group: Tin, Lead ore, Zine ore, Iron ore, Aluminium, Manganese, Copper, Tungsten, Columbite-Tantalite and Zircon 3. Precious Metals and Precious Stone group : Gold and Gem stone 4. Cement Industrial Minerals group : Limstone, Shale, Gypsum and Marl 5. Dimension Stone group: Industrial rock construction, Marble, Granite and Dimension stone 6. Ceramic Industrial Minerals group: Kaolin, Feldspar, Dolomite, Ball clay, Glass sand and Quartz 7. Fertilizer and Chemicals Industrial Minerals group: Potash Rock Salt Perlite and Phosphate 8. Other Industrial Minerals group: Barite, Fluorite, Calcite, Talc, Diatomite and Bentonite สถิติอุตสาหกรรม 282