Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2013

Population registered in central house file is a document produced by Registration Administration Bureau. The said document compiles name of the persons who are unable to register their names in any house registration certificates. Transferring population means person whose name has been removed from current home registration certificates and unable to register his/her name in any other home registration certificate and thereby being given transferring paper by the authority. ( TR 6 : Transferring paper) The Population Projection of Thailand during 2000 – 2030; the National Economic and Social Development Board, by using data from the 2000 Population and Housing Census, as the base year, has projected number of Thai population during 2000-2030 to study and analyze trends and population changes in demographic areas, i.e. fertility, mortality and migration. With this study an assumption of population composition for its projection in the future can be obtained. Vital Statistics presented in this chapter were obtained from the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health. It showed the data relating to births and deaths. According to the Civil Registration Act, birth must be registered at the Registration Office within 15 days from the date of birth, and deaths must be registered within 24 hours from the time at death or at the time the body found. Migration Survey : The National Statistical Office of Thailand conducted the first migration survey in 1974, covering only the people migrated to Bangkok. Later during 1983-1990, the coverage was expanded to cover the people migrated to Vicinity and some provinces identified as major developing ones. Since 1992 to the present, the survey has covered the migrating people nationwide. The objectives are to collect basic information on socio and demographic of the migrants for being used in the evidence-based plans and policies for solving the problems of the population migration. สถิติประชากรศาสตร ประชากรและเคหะ 6