Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2014

Labour Statistics Labour statistics presented in this chapter were obtained from the National Statistical Office , Office of Foreign Workers Administration and Department of Labour protection and Welfare, Ministry of Labour. Labor force statistics have been compiled by the National Statistical Office through conducting a Labor Force Survey since 1963 . The Labor Force Survey has been developed many times, as follows : 1971-1983: had been undertaken 2 rounds a year, during January - March, and July - September, 1984-1997: had been undertaken 3 rounds a year in February, May and August, 1998-2000: had been undertaken 4 rounds a year : The first round, the field work is in February coinciding with the non-agricultural season, The second round is normally held in May in which new labor force come from students just finishing their schooling, The third round is held in September during the agricultural season, The fourth round is held in November during the harvest on agricultural season, In 2001 , the Survey was conducted on monthly basis, and the results of three months are combined to be presented the quarterly data, Quarter 1: January - March Quarter 2: April - June Quarter 3: July - September Quarter 4: October - December The main objective of the Labor Force Survey is to estimate the number and characteristics of the labor force at the national and provincial levels periodically. The National Statistical Office has adapted and changed the concepts and definitions used in the Labor Force Survey ( LFS ) over times since the initial year. The purpose of the adoption is to comply with the current situation of socio- economic in the country and to better serve users’ requirement. In 2001, the coverage of the LFS has been changed to cover persons aged 15 years and over instead of 13 years and over, in accordance with the Child Labor Law. The international standard of