Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2014

Page Distributed by -4- Preface -6- Map of Thailand -8- The Kingdom of Thailand -13- List of Figures -34- List of Statistical Tables -36- Symbols, Abbreviations, Acronyms and Unit -51- Regional Specification -54- Key Indicator -55- Index 571 Figure 1.1 Population Pyramid of Thailand : 2010, 2020, 2030 and 2040............................................... 2 Figure 2.1 Labour Force of Population in Thailand : 3 rd Quarter, 2013…………………………………………………… 50 Figure 3.1 Percentage of Population, Aged 6 Years and Over who Read Out of Their Study/Work Period : 2011 and 2013...................................................................................................... 86 Figure 4.1 Percentage of Population Aged 15 Years and Over who Cigarette Smoking and Alcoholic Drinking During 12 Month Before the Date of Interview : 2013.............. 148 Figure 5.1 Enterprises and Insured Persons (Article 33 ) by Size and Enterprise : 2013………………… 168 Figure 5.2 Utilization of Insured Person for Each Benefit : 2013………………………………………………………………… 168 Figure 6.1 Comparision of Gender Differences in Employment : 3 rd Quarter, 2013........................... 186 Figure 7.1 Average Monthly Income and Expenditure per Household : 2013.......................................... 196 Figure 8.1 Juvenile Cases Handled by Juvenile Observation : 2013............................................................... 218 Figure 9.1 Growth Rate of Gross Domestic Product, Chain Volume Measures (Reference Year = 2002 ) by Economic Activities : 2011 - 2012………………………………………… 228 Figure 9.2 Growth Rate of Thai Economy : 2008 - 2012................................................................................... 228 Figure 10.1 Agricultural Landuse of Thailand : 2013................................................................................................. 258 Figure 10.2 Top-Ten Countries with Production Milled Rice : 2012/2013................................................. 258 Figure 11.1 Number of Permits Building New Construction by Type of Building : 2012 - 2013…… 284 Figure 12.1 Average Monthly Energy Consumption per Household by Type of Energy : 2012 - 2013…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 314 Figure 13.1 Value of Imports and Exports : 2004 - 2013……………………………………………………….………………………… 328 Contents List of Figures