Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2014

Household expenditure excludes, amount paid on capital formation, such as purchase or hire-purchase of house and land, vehicles, purchase of jewelry, savings-life insurance premiums, and provident funds etc. Household income Household income refers to cash or in kind which household received from work or own-produce or assets or received from others. Income consists of current income such as wages and salaries, net profits from business or from agriculture, bonuses etc. Other sources of income such as pension, work compensation or terminated payment, land rent, interest dividend etc. Non money income or income in kind, such as value of goods and services received as part of pay, home-produced and consumed ( including the imputed rental value of owner occupied dwellings ) or received free from other sources and other money receipts such as insurance proceeds, lottery winnings and other windfall receipts. Poverty Statistics has been compiled by the Office of Economic and Social Development Board: NESDB. Data from Social-Economic Survey; SES, considered by the National Statistical Office: NSO, has been used as basic information in compiling poverty indicators. Poverty Statistics is a tool in assessing and monitoring poverty status in Thailand. Thailand’s poverty line is an important tool in meaning poverty status, calculated from expenditures incurred by individual in obtaining food and non-food items necessary for living subsistence. People with amount of expenditures below the poverty line are considered “poor” Poverty Ratio was calculated by number of people with expenditure below poverty line divided by number of total population, multiplied by 100 . Number of poor means Number of population having expenditures lower than the poverty line. The Civil Servants ’ Living Condition Survey, the National Statistical Office has carried out the survey on civil servants’ living condition first time in 1989 and it was continued every two years. This survey สถิติรายได และรายจ ายของครัวเรือน 202