Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2014

National Accounts The national income statistics presented in this chapter is derived from the publication, entitled, “ National Income of Thailand ” , published by the National Economic and Social Development Board, Office of the Prime Minister. “ National Accounts” statistics are the economic indicator of the nation. This type of data reflects the changes of the economy in relation to production, consumption, investment, savings, income and expenditures as indicator reflecting the economic situation of each year. It serves as an essential instrument for the analysis procedures to formulate the economic policy and planning for both public and private sectors. Furthermore, these statistics are the important tools for evaluating the development of the national economy according to the targets of the National Economic and Social Development Plan. The estimations of the national income of Thailand were made in accordance with the System of National Accounts. The result of the national income estimation on production approach, expenditure approach, and income approach are the same value. The Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) has been continuously developing and improving Thailand’s national accounts on various important matters, especially the revision of the base year in real terms estimation by updating the prices of goods and services used as weights in the base year which consistently reflects to the rapid change of economic structure. At present, the chain volume measures (CVMs), which is considered to be a better perform and consistent to GDP growth measurement in real terms, especially in the case of using an obsolete base year as seen from theoretical concepts and empirical results in the case of Thailand. In addition, the NESDB has also improved our SNA quality in an assortment of important features, particularly on adding up new economic activities as well as revising to the latest international standards for the purpose of the up-to-date national accounts statistics and being utilized accurately and effectively.