Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2014

Demographic, Population and Housing Statistics Population statistics presented in this chapter were obtained from the Bureau of Registration Administration, the Department of Provincial Administration, Ministry of Interior, the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board, The Prime Minister’s Office and the National Statistical Office. Population Statistics from the Population and Housing Census; the National Statistical Office has been carrying out the Population Census every 10 years, ended with “0” such as 1990, 2000, 2010, according to the United Nations Recommendation to obtain population and social data. Thailand has already conducted the population 11 times, the first time was in 1909. The first five rounds of the population census were under responsibility of the Ministry of Interior (it was called “household census”). Since the sixth round; in 1960, it has been strictly conducted every 10 years under the National Statistical Office’s mandate, the 2010 is the eleventh round of the population census and the fifth round of the housing one. This eleventh round has marked the 100 th year anniversary of the Thai population census. This round, as before, aims to collect data concerning number and characteristics of all members in all households, including living conditions of the population on the census date, to serve these kinds of data to public and private sectors for their evidence-based plans and policies. Population statistics were from the Bureau of Registration Administration. Before 1987, the Provincial Registration Offices collected the data on birth, death, registered-out and registered-in from the notifications of the household member or the person concerned. The data were processed at the Bureau of Registration Administration, and presented at the national, provincial, district and municipal areas levels. The population statistics under the registration system were presented once a year on December 31. In 1988, the Bureau of Registration Administration constructed the database of population registration by using people’s identification number (off line). In 1997, online system was introduced to local Registration Administration Offices in some districts and sub-districts. Finally in 2004, the online system was completely installed in all local Registration Administration Offices throughout the country. In 2004, the Department of Provincial Administration, has reviewed and made necessary correction due to double counting of the registered people. Therefore, the accurate figure of the country’s total population has been accordingly attained.