Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2015

Economy Thailand is regarded as a mix-typed economy, the major economic of the country are mostly based on agriculture, industry, tourism, service and natural resource. Overall picture of the Thai economy in 2014 ; the GDP (at Current Market Prices) of country was 13,148.6 billion baht. For an export, its value was amounted of 7 ,314 .7 billion baht, whereas the value of import was 7 , 410.5 billion baht. Agriculture: Thailand is the no. 1 exporter of rubber, however, the other crops, namely rice, vegetable and fruit are also exported. Thailand is as well famous in livestock, i.e. cow, pig, poultry, fresh water fish, and marine fishery. Industry: Agro-industry, textile, electric appliance and automobiles are Thai outstanding industrial exports. Tourism makes up a very high income of Thailand due to an existence of many tourist attractions and best service of the luxurious hotels in every part of the country, especially in Bangkok, Pattaya, Andaman Sea coast in the southern region and Chiang Mai province in the northern region. Natural resources: It has the important natural resources, such as limestone, gypsum, glass sand, marble, tin and natural gas, etc. Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( - 16 -