Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2015

จําแนกตามชนิดของอาคาร เป นรายภาค พ . ศ . 2557 by Type of Building and Region: 2014 Permitted (person) 9,232 24,742 35,711 21,690 Total 8,433 22,661 33,221 20,242 Residential building 452 1,285 1,667 724 Commercial building 19 28 31 35 Office building 33 97 115 216 Hotel and restaurants 88 147 129 92 Industrial and factory building 12 3 11 4 Sewerage building Power House/ Power Station/ 5 10 14 6 Solar energy Building - 5 10 3 Water supply and filter plant 11 47 63 48 Educational building 1 11 4 8 Health/hospital building - - 3 2 Transportation building 35 80 50 41 Agricultural building 7 16 12 8 Entertainment 136 352 381 261 Others purposes Permitted construction (unit) 13,658 29,703 42,097 36,575 Total 12,282 26,890 38,617 33,501 Residential building 779 1,849 2,331 1,438 Commercial building 21 35 31 37 Office building 149 197 339 1,033 Hotel and restaurants 136 158 168 116 Industrial and factory building 12 3 11 5 Sewerage building Power House/ Power Station/ 5 11 15 6 Solar energy Building Northeastern Region Southern Region Type of building ภาค ตะวันตก Western Region ภาคเหนือ ภาคใต ภาคตะวันออก เฉียงเหนือ Region Northern 335 Industrial Statistics