Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2015

จําแนกตามชนิดของอาคาร เป นรายภาค พ . ศ . 2557 ( ต อ ) by Type of Building and Region: 2014 (Cont.) - 6 11 5 Water supply and filter plant 17 49 76 68 Educational building 1 12 4 8 Health/hospital building - - 3 2 Transportation building 98 99 61 48 Agricultural building 14 21 14 8 Entertainment 144 373 416 300 Others purposes Area of building construction (sq.m.) 3,986,363 6,685,669 8,735,920 7,918,254 Total 2,936,706 5,118,873 6,392,864 5,605,825 Residential building 361,569 888,776 1,401,844 1,027,773 Commercial building 32,271 76,220 39,804 63,601 Office building 136,939 103,852 157,230 463,477 Hotel and restaurants 245,819 141,129 337,480 427,257 Industrial and factory building 23,215 1,289 15,536 11,152 Sewerage building Power House/ Power Station/ 25,365 2,088 3,162 7,700 Solar energy Building - 734 3,663 975 Water supply and filter plant 22,623 40,371 64,425 86,714 Educational building 35 9,210 2,217 20,906 Health/hospital building - - 1,182 1,526 Transportation building 137,082 117,340 60,518 50,304 Agricultural building 3,361 9,923 7,497 9,449 Entertainment 61,378 175,864 248,498 141,595 Others purposes Source: The Construction Area, National Statistical Office, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology Southern Region Region Region Region Type of building เฉียงเหนือ ภาคใต Northeastern ภาคตะวันออก ภาค Western Northern ตะวันตก ภาคเหนือ 337 Industrial Statistics