Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2016

จําแนกตามสกุลเงิน และแหล งเงินกู ป งบประมาณ 2554 - 2558 by Currency and Source of Fund : Fiscal Years 2011 - 2015 พันดอลลาร สหรัฐ 69,836 2,323,075 75,185 2,476,637 84,677 42,332 1,357,159 42,559 1,500,817 49,344 U.S. Dollar International Bank for 32,772 1,045,806 32,937 1,038,577 33,916 Reconstruction and Development 9,560 311,353 9,623 312,240 9,947 Asian Development Bank - - - - - Government of Denmark (GODK) - - - - - Sydicated BKS For Midium-term Notes S.A - - - - - Unibank A/S - - - 20,000 731 Standard Chartered Bank Thailand - - - 130,000 4,749 Others in U.S. Dollar 27,168 956,761 32,328 968,800 35,076 Japanese Yen 23,926 864,846 29,339 968,800 35,076 Government of Japan 3,242 91,915 2,989 - - Others 7 110 4 - - Euro 7 110 4 - - Government of the Kingdom of Belgium - - - - - Government of Fed. Republic of Germany 329 9,044 294 7,020 256 Canadian Dollar 329 9,044 294 7,020 256 Government of Canada Source: Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance Total ล านบาท Currency and source of fund ล านบาท Million Baht Million Baht Thousand U.S. $ พันดอลลาร สหรัฐ 2557 (2014) 2558 (2015) (2013) Thousand U.S. $ Million Baht ล านบาท 545 Fiscal Statistics