Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2020

ในกรุงเทพมหานครและส่วนภูมิภาค ปีการศึกษา 2557 - 2561 in Bangkok and Other Provinces : Academic Years 2014 - 2018 37,070 1,461 36,799 1,502 36,854 34,860 988 34,455 1,033 34,441 Ministry of Education 3,287 684 3,293 726 3,277 Office of the Private Education Commission (1) 30,657 160 30,245 160 30,245 Office of the Basic Education Commission 30,563 156 30,150 156 30,150 General Education 44 3 45 3 45 Special Education 50 1 50 1 50 Welfare Education 808 96 809 99 811 Office of Vocational Education Commission 405 21 406 21 407 Public vocational school 403 75 403 78 404 Private vocational school 107 48 107 48 107 Office of the Higher Education Commission (42) (15) (42) (18) (72) Demonstration School (2) 1 (20) - 1 (20) - 1 (20) Institute of Community College (3) 59 21 59 38 46 Public Institutions of Higher Education 47 27 47 26 45 Private Institutions of Higher Education 1 - 1 - 1 Mahidol Wittayanusorn School 1,524 - 1,640 - 1,712 Ministry of Interior 1,513 - 1,629 - 1,701 Department of Local Administration 11 - 11 - 11 Bureau of Pattaya Educational 1 1 1 1 1 Ministry of Social Development and Human Security : 1 1 1 1 1 Department of Children and Youth - 439 - 438 - Bangkok Administration : - 437 - 437 - Department of Education - 2 - 1 - Navamindradhiraj University 36 5 41 2 37 Ministry of Public Health: 36 5 41 2 37 Praborommarajchanok Institute 1 1 1 1 1 Ministry of Transport Bangkok 2559 (2016) 2560 (2017) Total กทม. Bangkok 2561 (2018) ภูมิภาค Other provinces Jurisdiction กทม. ภูมิภาค กทม. Bangkok ภูมิภาค Other provinces Other provinces 115 Education Statistics r