Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2020

ในกรุงเทพมหานครและส่วนภูมิภาค ปีการศึกษา 2557 - 2561 in Bangkok and Other Provinces : Academic Years 2014 - 2018 11,216,816 1,849,657 11,264,658 1,726,549 11,295,066 10,364,566 1,543,373 10,401,848 1,425,301 10,442,693 Ministry of Education 1,805,038 334,574 1,868,640 369,513 1,891,491 Office of the Private Education Commission (1) 6,587,879 265,875 6,581,734 261,572 6,519,553 Office of the Basic Education Commission 6,542,365 264,109 6,536,550 259,949 6,474,242 General Education 13,709 397 13,042 338 12,028 Special Education 31,805 1,369 32,142 1,285 33,283 Welfare Education 869,771 112,560 879,975 110,341 889,814 Office of Vocational Education Commission 661,480 32,497 651,422 30,588 656,933 Public vocational school 208,291 80,063 228,553 79,753 232,881 Private vocational school 1,101,165 830,364 1,070,781 683,875 1,141,121 Office of the Higher Education Commission 24,375 25,045 87,869 21,485 35,229 Demonstration School (2) 4,705 - 19,897 - 19,364 Institute of Community College (3) 961,172 624,122 852,741 472,330 989,000 Public Institutions of Higher Education 110,913 181,197 110,274 190,060 97,528 Private Institutions of Higher Education 713 - 718 - 714 Mahidol Wittayanusorn School 728,477 - 747,493 - 741,699 Ministry of Interior 713,382 - 732,191 - 725,239 Department of Local Administration : 15,095 - 15,302 - 16,460 Bureau of Pattaya Educational 107 57 104 53 102 Ministry of Social Development and Human Security : 107 57 104 53 102 Department of Children and Youth - 292,708 - 288,352 - Bangkok Administration : - 291,116 - 286,719 - Department of Education - 1,592 - 1,633 - Navamindradhiraj University 16,849 840 17,827 877 17,908 Ministry of Public Health: 16,849 840 17,827 877 17,908 Praborommarajchanok Institute 1,037 2,029 962 1,963 857 Ministry of Transport Bangkok 2559 (2016) 2560 (2017) Total กทม. Bangkok 2561 (2018) ภูมิภาค Other provinces Jurisdiction กทม. ภูมิภาค ภูมิภาค Other provinces Other provinces 123 Education Statistics