Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2021

ในกรุงเทพมหานครและส่วนภูมิภาค ปีการศึกษา 2558 - 2562 in Bangkok and Other Provinces : Academic Years 2015 - 2019 Bangkok Bangkok 549,509 81,808 614,187 82,179 674,394 509,567 65,585 572,554 38,092 581,096 Ministry of Education 80,300 17,297 97,341 19,430 89,692 Office of the Private Education Commission (1) 363,004 11,176 363,004 14,736 456,140 Office of the Basic Education Commission 360,577 11,005 360,577 14,550 452,812 General Education 1,020 76 1,020 78 891 Special Education 1,407 95 1,407 108 2,437 Welfare Education 21,601 5,963 53,847 3,926 35,107 Office of Vocational Education Commission 9,256 2,167 41,502 1,169 25,851 Public vocational school 12,345 3,796 12,345 2,757 9,256 Private vocational school 44,578 31,149 58,211 - - Office of the Higher Education Commission - 1,493 1,769 - - Demonstration School (2) 578 - 375 - - Institute of Community Collegel (3) 37,413 20,287 48,908 - - Public Institutions of Higher Education 6,587 9,369 7,159 - - Private Institutions of Higher Education 84 - 151 - 157 Mahidol Wittayanusorn School Ministry of Higher Education, Science, - - - 28,320 52,935 Research and Innovation (4) - - - 28,320 52,935 Office of the Higher Education Commission - - - 1,493 1,769 Demonstration School (2) - - - 19,467 44,243 Public Institutions of Higher Education (5) - - - 7,360 6,923 Private Institutions of Higher Education 29,031 - 30,527 - 29,697 Ministry of Interior 28,246 - 29,796 - 28,917 Department of Local Administration 785 - 731 - 780 Bureau of Pattaya Educational 13 10 13 10 15 Ministry of Social Development and Human Security : 13 10 13 10 15 Department of Children and Youth Jurisdiction กทม. ภูมิภาค กทม. ภูมิภาค Other 2561 (2018) provinces 2560 (2017) Other provinces Total กทม. 2562 (2019) ภูมิภาค Other provinces 119 Education Statistics