Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2021

จ าแนกตามสังกัด ชั้นเรียน และเพศ ปีการศึกษา 2560 - 2562 in The Formal School System by Jurisdiction, Grade and Sex : Academic Years 2017 - 2019 หญิง ห้องเรียน รวม ชาย หญิง Female Classrooms Total Male Female 2,132,380 29.2 144,897 4,175,988 2,050,577 2,125,411 28.8 1,876,047 29.4 120,493 3,515,284 1,650,588 1,864,696 29.2 General Education Type 1,728,797 29.7 107,301 3,151,149 1,451,950 1,699,199 29.4 Ministry of Education Office of the Private Education 257,923 30.2 15,830 498,288 234,996 263,292 31.5 Commission Office of the Basic Education 1,455,119 29.6 91,441 2,652,146 1,216,476 1,435,670 29.0 Commission 1,438,123 29.8 89,493 2,621,572 1,202,407 1,419,165 29.3 General Education 2,353 9.0 727 6,149 3,843 2,306 8.5 Special Education 14,643 25.4 971 24,425 10,226 14,199 25.2 Welfare Education Office of the Higher Education 15,514 43.1 - - - - - Commission 241 23.8 30 715 478 237 23.8 Mahidol Wittayanusorn School 147,250 26.2 13,192 364,135 198,638 165,497 27.6 Other Organizations Ministry of Higher Education, Science, - - 663 33,344 15,255 18,089 50.3 Research and Innovation Office of the Higher Education - - 663 33,344 15,255 18,089 50.3 Commission (1) 1,770 32 150 4,441 2,600 1,841 29.6 Ministry of Tourism and Sports 1,770 31.6 150 4,441 2,600 1,841 29.6 Department of Physical Education 122,807 27.6 8,742 245,055 121,422 123,633 28.0 Ministry of Interior 120,562 27.7 8,545 240,651 119,240 121,411 28.2 Department of Local Administration 2,245 22.2 197 4,404 2,182 2,222 22.4 Bureau of Pattaya Educational Ministry of Social Development and 31 8.0 6 59 26 33 9.8 Human Security 17,695 36.9 1,051 39,017 21,206 17,811 37.1 Bangkok Administration Royal Thai Police Border Patrol Police General 580 34.2 39 1,183 555 628 30.3 Headquarters - 15.1 2,389 35,967 35,967 - 15.1 National Office of Buddhism 4,367 34.1 152 5,069 1,607 3,462 33.3 Ministry of Cuture Proportion of Proportion of นักเรียน Students students per 2562 (2019) สัดส่วนนักเรียน ต่อห้องเรียน (2018) Jurisdiction/Grade ต่อห้องเรียน นักเรียน Students Total สัดส่วนนักเรียน students per classroom classroom 137 Education Statistics